Dealer Solutions

Manage your dealer collections on a single panel with minimum operational burden, full integration, and enjoy our competitive rates.
Dealer collection is easy with us!

Dealer Solutions
Ozan Dealer Collection Solutions

Ozan Dealer Collection Solutions

Dealer collection solutions offered by Ozan provide maximum working efficiency and ease of use with a user-friendly interface. Not just you, but all your dealers can view their own sales transactions through the dealer interface provided and receive payments via mobile application or link without the need for a POS device.

Thanks to the accounting integration, all your transactions are automatically displayed on current accounts, which allows you to quickly track the inflows and outflows of money without wasting time by monitoring individual payments.

Ozan helps you manage your everyday transactions with your dealers on a single panel directly integrated with Accounting/ERP systems. Let your dealers collect payments from their customers and sub-dealers quickly and securely with attractive instalment terms by using a credit card, QR, and link.

Dealer Collection Solutions of Ozan were structured on Payfull’s proven technology after it was acquired by Ozan Elektronik Para in 2021. Ozan has distinct advantages among dealer collection solutions with its payment method alternatives, instant, and customized integration power, highest level security certification, easy and convenient system interface, and a complete set of products/services for payments.<

Distinguishing Features

Dealer Panel

Dealer Panel

Enables all transactions (refund/partial refund/cancellation) of POS terminals provided by different banks to be managed from a single panel without logging into each bank panel.

Advanced Reporting

Advanced Reporting

Advanced reporting engine helps even extensive reports to be build within seconds. In this way, bank-based or transaction-based reports can be displayed on the screen and exported in the desired format.



Users can be assigned built-in roles such as administrator, accounting, finance, and viewer or customized roles can be created and assigned.

ERP Integration

ERP Integration

Ozan provides integrated operations with Logo, Mikro, SAP, Netsis, and Dynamics ERP systems. Incoming transactions are automatically matched with the current account on the ERP, reducing operational workload.

Card Storage

Card Storage

The card information of the customers is stored in PCI-DSS Level 1 standard, which can improve the user experience by enabling them to shop faster.

Whitelabel Payment

Whitelabel Payment

In the absence of a checkout page, a manageable checkout page is created in the desired design by ensuring page security.

Exchange in Foreign Currencies

Exchange in Foreign Currencies

Payment in foreign currencies enables collection in TL equivalent at the specified exchange rate. In addition, if the card or POS is compatible, collection in foreign currencies are also available.

Automatic Reconciliation

Automatic Reconciliation

Eliminates manual reconciliation processes. Successful transactions are automatically matched and reconciled with the transactions transferred to the bank account.

Dealer Collection Solutions

Dealer Collection Solutions

Our dealer collection solution is a system allowing companies to organize and manage their payment processes with their dealers and sub-dealers. It enables the dealer network to receive payments from their customers on-site via physical/virtual POS, soft POS, QR, e-mail, SMS, link, etc.

By offering their customers options such as credit card payments, instalments, and promotions, the dealers can reduce their – and the parent company’s – collection risk and enjoy favorable commission rates provided to the parent company.

Dealer Collection Management

Dealer Collection Management

Parent companies can manage their commercial relations with their dealers and sub-dealers on our dealer collection system utilizing different working parameters such as maturity and rate from a single centre.

The dealer collection system can integrated with ERP or accounting programs. For the sales made by dealers and sub-dealers in the field, collections are logged and can be managed on the dealer collection system. Dealers are paid their dues, and the parent company is no longer required to wait for payment from its dealers.

Fraud control, secure card storage with PCI DSS certification, API integration, and advanced reporting features make our dealer collection system even more secure and useful.

Collections from Sub-Dealers

Collections from Sub-Dealers

For businesses working with multi-layer dealer networks, management of payments from sub-dealers is a crucial feature.

The portion of the payments that should remain with the dealers and the share that should be received by the parent company are automatically transferred to your accounts through the online collection system.

On-site Collections

On-site Collections

With payment options on Ozan Dealer Collection system, your on-site teams are not limited to using a POS device to receive payments from customers.

You can utilise online payment methods such as payment links, QR and mobile apps, eliminating the need for a physical POS device.

Payment Methods in Dealer Collection

Providing easy payment systems for your customers opens a new page in your collection processes and increases your cash flow volume. In this respect, it has become important to offer both physical and digital payment method alternatives in the business world where physical payment methods are becoming obsolete and every second matters.

Ozan dealer collection system users can offer many payment alternatives in all payment/collection transactions with dealers and sub-dealers, business partners, and customers.

Customers clicking on the links sent can make payments within seconds. Thus, a fast and secure virtual collection environment is provided both for your company and your customers, unlike manual payment collection, which brings extra workload to the busy work pace.

Making instant collections by creating secure online payment pages for your customers willing to pay with a link is now very easy!

With the secure link sent to the payer, the payments can be received on any smart device within seconds. Your customer clicks on the link sent and makes the payment in a short time using their card information. Thanks to the payment with a link, offering the advantage of ease of use and mobile payment, cash flow is provided for your company at any time of the day.

While using Ozan dealer collection system, your customers are directed to payment pages through QR codes uniquely created for each collection transaction. Scanned by the cameras of smart devices, QR codes redirect your customer to your online payment channel and payment transactions are easily completed after the necessary information is entered.

For your customers, you can receive your payments quickly and reliably thanks to the QR code defined uniquely for each transaction.

Making separate visits when looking to collect your receivables is a thing of the past! With online payment solutions, the platform where you can collect your receivables or make your payments wherever you are at any time of the day is at your service as a mobile application by Ozan!

With Ozan collection solutions, you can collect or make payments as you wish, using only your smart device, without the time and energy you would spend on physical payment methods.

Ozan Business offers payment collections in foreign currencies.

Inadequate collection alternatives can limit your working space while conducting your commercial activities in foreign currencies. With collection solutions, customers can simply go to the payment screen on the application when a foreign currency payment is to be made to your company or dealers.

With the Ozan dealer collection system automatically converting the amount to be paid into foreign currency, you can easily receive your payments via the mobile application.

Integration and Reporting in Dealer Collection

Accounting and ERP Integration

Accounting and ERP Integration

Ozan collection solutions report all the data in accounting transactions needed by your company in a categorized way thanks to its ERP integration service. In this way, you can save the time and labour required by manual entries for accounting transactions and review your records in reports together with your bank account movements.

Commercial Reporting

Commercial Reporting

Thanks to the ERP integration system, reporting the cash flow in your bank accounts, payment transactions between your dealers, sub-dealers, and the parent company, payment activities in the field, and the record of all transactions carried out online by your customers provides a significant workforce advantage.

The e-collection service with Ozan allows you to track all your commercial activities in detailed and integrated reports and get rid of the burden of physical transactions for accounting records.

 Collection Reporting

Collection Reporting

Accounting follow-up and planning after collection are very important for companies. With Ozan dealer collection solutions integrating accounting data with collection systems, all your payments and collection data are recorded and reported. The transactions reported by category distinctions enable you to access all the information needed for accounting work in detail and examine the movements of the previous period.

Reporting for Accounting

Reporting for Accounting

Making accounting records manually after collection leads to a loss of time and effort for companies. With the collection reporting service to be integrated into accounting systems, the dealer collection system provides maximum savings in your recording and review processes.

Ozan makes it very easy to record all transactions performed by your company, dealers and, sub-dealers on the same interface and to provide accounting integration with reporting services.

Card Storage Service for Dealer Collection

Card Storage Service for Dealer Collection

Storing card information on a trusted website or app is convenient for consumers and businesses alike. Dealers and sub-dealers can register their card information on Ozan Dealer Solutions system to enjoy faster and more reliable payment collection. Once the card information is registered, your customers can make complete their payments with a single click, using only the information registered on the app/website.

Fraud Management for Dealer Collection

Fraud Management for Dealer Collection

Fraud is simply defined as the fraudulent use of credit/debit cards or stolen card information in online payment systems. Company management should benefit from anti-fraud software services to prevent these moves in smart payment systems. Ozan collection solutions ensure that your company, dealers, and sub-dealers receive payments safely against these frauds.

E-Commerce Integration for Dealer Collection

E-Commerce Integration for Dealer Collection

The advantages and reliability offered by payment systems are a priority issue for companies providing products/services through e-commerce channels and their dealers. In this respect, the preference for professional payment providers is critical to ensure customer satisfaction and sales security.

Creating an online payment channel for your e-commerce site using WordPress, Opencard, Prestashop, etc., and getting many alternative services including accounting integration, and parent company and dealer cash flow arrangement while doing this is very easy with Ozan dealer collection solutions!

Marketplace Solution

Marketplace Solution

The mission of payment systems is very important in commercial activities conducted through the marketplace. Thanks to Ozan collection solutions, the payment received from the customer is transferred separately to the account of the seller and the marketplace.

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